A few weeks ago, a friend of mine called to invite me over to Maui for a backpacking trip through Haleakala. Having never even been up to Haleakala on my numerous trips to the valley isle, it definitely seemed like a good idea to go and check it out -- albeit this was a far more in-depth look at the national park than most people tend to get. To note, this friend of mine happens to own and operate a local tour company, Adventure Tours Hawaii, so he has a distinct taste for hiking, camping and generally getting amongst the elements on a trip -- IF he commits. I was all in - ready for a change of scenery for a short while and some time to reflect.
There really is no way to write a short version of what I experienced that will be even remotely palatable. People just need to experience this sort of raw nature on their own to truly appreciate it. The thing that struck me day after day was the silence. The sound of absolutely nothing. Not one bit weird, just overwhelmingly therapeutic and soothing. Maybe the rustle of a light wind, an odd Nene in the distance, but more often than not a deafening silence that was surprisingly welcome. It was easy for me to lean into that silence and appreciate the vastness of the crater and its surrounding landscapes.
Nature Therapy at its very finest.
I'll leave the rest to the photos below, words somewhat fail me on this one. What an amazing experience, my advice is to get out there and experience this or something like it, as often as possible. I can't wait to get back.