Another year passes and it doesn’t even seem real.
It’s almost hard to believe that some of the places, people and experiences I came across in this last trip around the sun were as long ago as they were - but the older I get and the more time that goes by, the more I understand that time is a very slippery thing. It really only makes sense in the moment. Looking back on it (for me) is almost always bittersweet, while looking forward onto it can tend to be a bit stressful. That whole “stay in the moment” cliché mantra we’ve heard all of our lives…There’s most definitely something to it.
The beauty of that statement when I break it down like above is this - Focus on what makes sense. The present.
Small recap in images of what I’ve been lucky enough to call my present throughout these last twelve months. Here’s to 2019 - a year of constant growth and awe-inspiring beauty - 2020 has some big shoes to fill.